Dental Insurance for european residents

The costs of dental treatments and dentures are not fully covered by the governmental health insurance in Europe. Depending on the treatment, denture, orthodontics, and dental checkups, the costs can range from a few hundred to thousands of euros that a people have to pay by themselfs. Sicher Sicher offers in 25 European Union countries top-up covers for public-insured expats in Europe, which are individual sets for each EU- member state’s public health insurance system.

Sicher Sicher have put together answers to common questions about dental insurance in Germany, as well as important points clients should consider before buying dental insurance in Germany.

When is it advisable to have dental insurance in Europe?

Insurance coverage is sensible if the dentures are going to exceed the regular care provided by governmental health insurance. If people want a crown made of tooth-colored ceramic instead of a metal alloy without gold, or if people want an implant instead of a bridge, patients pay the surcharge fee of the dentist themselves. The dentist and laboratories calculate their fees according to the fee schedule for private patients.

The best dental insurance covers self-participation completely.

Dental insurance in Germany is not a must. Anyone who is satisfied with the regular benefits of governmental health insurance and good dental health can manage without additional dental insurance.

For most people, it is easier to have their insurance contributions debited each month than to save money themselves.

Our clients, who have found the right dental insurance coverage do not have to worry about the sudden occurrence of high dental treatment costs. Depending on each client’s needs and income, you can choose between top performance tariffs with no self-participation or insurance policies that cover the regular care level. Even here, there is self-participation for governmental health insurance in Germany. Government health insurance does not fully cover the costs of dentures, even on a medically necessary level.

When do you not have to pay for dentures in Germany?

If peoples income is very low, they do not need an additional policy. Government health insurance covers all the costs of standard care. This applies to singles with a monthly gross income of 1,246 € or a couple with a child with a 2,025 € monthly gross income. These people can apply for 100 percent coverage for standard dentures and treatment costs through their German government health insurance. People who are slightly above these income limits have the right to an increased fixed allowance set by governmental health insurance.

People with an annual gross income of at least 69,300 € or who are self-employed have the choice to become private health insured in Germany and other EU states.

At what age does dental insurance make sense?

Most people are interested in additional dental insurance in Germany when, for the first time, they become aware that their teeth might need more care soon. Most tariffs in the market include, for that reason, a waiting period of 3 to 6 months before clients can apply for denture treatments. Recommended treatments before the contract can be included via immediate effective coverage, which has a surcharge premium. This coverage can even be selected while you are lying with your mouth wide open at the dentist.

It is recommended to buy the additional dental insurance before the first problems with the teeth arise, i.e., in the mid-30s. Because it usually takes three to five years for customers to receive full contractual benefits, reimbursement sums are limited in the first contract years.

The annual sub-limits for dentures depend on the individual dental status. As an example, if the client has more than two missing teeth (non-replaced gaps), insurers offer lower limits. We recommend, in these cases, more suitable options. Other providers include these gaps with an additional fee or exclude them from insurance coverage.

Emergency Dental Insurance in Germany: What Point Does It Make Sense?

If the damage is already there or can be felt, it is too late to buy dental insurance in Germany. The only exception is a dental emergency tariff that also works when treatments are already in progress. However, additional dental emergency protection only doubles the fixed health insurance subsidy. In addition, this is very expensive and can only be cancelled after 2 years. Nevertheless, emergency dental protection can be worthwhile for suddenly occurring dental problems.

When does it make sense to change the dental insurance provider in Germany?

For clients who already have dental insurance but are not satisfied with the benefits or service, they can change their current contract and switch to another, more suitable coverage. There are a few points to consider before changing dental insurance:

  • In your current coverage, is an upgrade tariff included?
  • Annual sub-limit for dentures? Clients should make sure that the current reimbursement limits have been accepted by the new insurer.
  • Is there no new waiting period?
  • No current treatments are planned, or has the dental status changed?

Can fees from dental insurance increase?

There are usually no surprising fee increases in dental insurance. The premiums are calculated based on the age of each insured. Most dental insurance policies are now calculated according to so-called non-life insurance rates. The premiums increase gradually over the period of the contract within a fixed age frame. Further, insurers have the right to increase the premium if the costs exceed their calculations. Clients have the right to cancel the contract within a one-month notice period in case of an increase in premium. We recommend that clients check in detail what advantages and disadvantages would arise in the event of termination for themselves.

*² Dental treatment that has already been advised or is planned is generally not covered.
For an additional fee, insurance coverage for missing teeth(up to 3) is available. As an alternative, these missing teeth can be excluded from the insurance cover.
First name/gender/birthdate/missing teeth status (None or how many)
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