Mandatory health insurance in Germany for visa permits

In Germany, health insurance is mandatory, but there are different options depending on the visa permit and the estimated period of stay. If you come to Germany from outside the European Union (EU) for work and have an employer, you can choose in the first three months whether you want to join the public health insurance system or the private health insurance system.

Sicher Sicher GmbH can offer clients both systems and consult which system is most fitting based on their needs while staying in Germany. It is recommended to get a consultation before making a final decision because you will be legally bound by your decision for a minimum of 12 months or 2 years, depending on the tariff chosen.

The clients of Sicher Sicher benefit from our international experience in the health insurance sector. Most basic health insurance products on the market cover acute medical conditions, but they usually reach their limit for longer stays or if more profound medical care is needed.

In Germany, there is an obligation to have health insurance for every resident, without exception. As an insurance broker, we offer all types of available health insurance on the market. The focus in selecting the right health insurance are:

  • Acceptance of the visa requirements
  • Coverage based on individual needs
  • Premium
  • Solvency of the insurer

Who cannot join the German public health insurance?

For clients who reside in Germany, especially for families with more than two kids, government health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung) can be the right option. We offer an overview of government health insurance in Germany.

However, there are exceptions. If the client is not subject to government health insurance, private health insurance is the solution. It applies if you come to Germany as:

  • language student
  • self-employed
  • guest without prior health insurance in the EU
  • employee (have choice between both systems if annual gross income is above 69,300 €/stand 2024)
    • With a gross annual income of 62,100 € (stand 2024), the public health insurance average rate is 16.3% for health insurance and 3.4% for care insurance. That is a maximum monthly fee of 1,050.53 €. With an annual gross income of 69,300 €, private health insurance in Germany might be more economical and beneficial in regard to coverage and getting doctor appointments.
    • For families and couples, governmental health insurance in Germany can be economical if only one member of the family has income. Spouse and children are free of charge insured if none of them have a monthly gross income over 505 €.
    • With an income of 505.01 €, a spouse or children must pay their own insurance fee based on their gross income. There are a few important factors to take into account before deciding which health insurance system to join.

What are the benefits of private health insurance in Germany?

  • Priority medical services
  • Free choice of hospitals and medical specialists
  • Private health insurance is calculated based on the age of the insured, not income (2024, the maximum government monthly fee is 1,050.53 euros).
  • A refund of premiums is possible. (3~4 months of monthly premium, depending on tariff)
  • Coverage of the newest medical technology

What are the benefits of public health insurance in Germany?

  • Free coverage for spouses and kids (if each person’s gross income is under 505 € monthly/stand 2024)
  • No health assessment or health status questions
  • Credibility proof is not required.
Supplementary health insurance for people with government health insurance

Government health insurance in Germany usually covers all standardized, medically recognized, and necessary outpatient and inpatient services. But costs for dentures, medical specialists, single- rooms, alternative medicine, naturopaths, or acupuncture are not covered, or are only partially covered. That leaves a financial and quality gap for governmental insureds. To cover the gaps, based on individual needs, clients can have additional private health insurance (Krankenzusatzversicherung). We offer the most suitable and economical options for supplementary health insurance.

Stand 2024
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How do I comply with German visa regulations?

There is a legal problem for foreigners (PhD students, university students, guests, language students) who stayed over 5 years in Germany, based on § 193 VVG (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz). The law demands sufficient health insurance coverage for outpatient care and hospitalization. Additionally, the insurance tariffs need to comply with § 253 SGB V to get the contribution from the employer.

The legislator requires so-called full health insurance within the framework of governmental or private health insurance with a maximum of 1,200 € deductible per year. People who do not fulfill these requirements are subject to penalties up to 63,031.80 € (based on a backdated 5-year insurance fee/stand 2024).

The reason is that Work & Travel insurance policies may not be extended after 5 years and are legally not recognized as pre-insurance.

Sicher Sicher offer health insurance in various areas, including:

  • Private health insurance
  • Statutory health insurance in Germany and the EU (European Union)
  • Sick day money
  • Dental Insurance
  • Outpatient additional services
  • Inpatient additional services
  • Travel health insurance for abroad.
  • International health insurance with worldwide insurance protection
  • Expat health insurance for work-related stays abroad
  • private and government health insurance for students
  • Group health insurance (for companies and associations, short- and long-term contracts)