We offer insurance solutions of the whole insurance market including the Lloyd’s syndicates. Our customers benefit from our knowledge and experience in handling claims.
What does the IT liability insurance cover?
The IT liability insurance is for true IT companies working in programming, data processing and installation and support for information technology. These companies and freelancers usually have access to their customers‘ technology and can cause real financial loss here. As Lloyds brokers, we have special coverage concepts that go far beyond the standard coverage and also cover that work with influence on production and supply facilities, such as in drug dosing, image processing and quality checks in goods production etc.
• Individual adjustment options for coverage to co-insure additional services offered (e.g. short-term projects with a higher insurance sum needed, call center, management and personnel consultants, etc.)
• Worldwide coverage also in the USA and Canada
• Optional co-insurance of property damage coverage modules, such as
e.g. Reputational damage, patents, key man loss or witness compensation
• Few general liability typical exclusions conditions (AHB) – and sub-limits
• Extensive and clear set of conditions
Scope of insurance cover of the IT liability Insurance:
• quality guarantees
• Expense in anticipation of proper performance
• Project delays
• Intellectual property violations
• Violation of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
• Professional support in the event of a claim from specialist companies
• Data recovery costs (support from service providers)
Insurance protection in the context of damage caused by malware (viruses, etc.) including in the event of forwarding the emails.
Getting offers for the IT-liability insurance
For offers, please fill out our form and you will receive various options from various insurance companies that cover these risks by email. You are welcome to contact us with any further questions.